Friday, July 26, 2013


You will need:
500 ml mascarpone 
500 ml cream
150 g sugar
2 egg yolks
Cup of cold strong black coffee 
Sponge fingers
Bitter dark chocolate powder
Marsala (optional)

My family likes me to make the tiramisu' quite creamy so I have adapted the recipe to suit them. Also I don't like the idea of eating raw eggs so again I adapted the classic recipe.

Pour the cream into a heat-proof bowl. Add the egg yolks and sugar. Stir well. Place over a saucepan and allow to heat up but not boil. I added a spoonful of Marsala wine at this point but I don't always do this. A friend happened to gift me a bottle.

Whisk the cream mixture which should have thickened a bit. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Once the cream mixture has cooled add the mascarpone and lightly whisk. Now you can start layering. 

Place a layer of sponge fingers in a dish. You can either make one big tiramisu' or make it in individual bowls. I usually have more success if I sprinkle the coffee on the sponge fingers than when I dip them in coffee. You don't want the fingers to become soggy.

Add some of the cream mixture. Sieve cocoa powder on top of this. Start the procedure again. Continue, ending with a layer of the cream mixture covered in the cocoa powder. 

Place in the fridge for a few hours to set.

Mix the cream, eggs and sugar

Add the Marsala

Add the mascarpone
Layer the fingers
Cold coffee

Add a layer of mixture

Sprinkle on cocoa powder

You've reached the top. Now refrigerate!

Enjoy a slice


  1. I'm trying this on Sunday. This is one of my favourite desserts

    1. Hi Che

      Thanks for looking me up. Let me know how your tiramisu' turns out.
