Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bacon and Egg Pasta

We used to love bacon and eggs on a Sunday morning so here is version you can enjoy at lunch. I suppose it is a bit like Italian Carbonara but without the heavy cream.

Add about 250g of bacon pieces to a non-stick pan. Along with broccoli, chopped garlic and black pepper. I think the bacon has more than enough salt in it so I wouldn't add any extra. Add white wine and cook under a low fire.

In the meantime put the water for the pasta on to boil.

Whisk four eggs. My mother-in -law gave me some cherry tomatoes yesterday so I added a few as well.

Add the eggs and stir well making sure the eggs are well cooked. Turn the fire down and wait for the pasta to finish cooking.

Add wine to the bacon and broccoli

Add tomatoes

Add the beaten eggs

Mix the eggs in well

Give a good stir

Add the pasta

Ready to eat
Add the pasta, stir well and serve straight away.

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