Monday, January 30, 2012

Spinach and Smoked Salmon Pie

I usually like to make my own pastry but I do often have a ready to roll pack in the fridge. I normally make this pie when I am not going to have what the rest of the family is eating.

Put the pastry in greased tart dish. I normally put the empty pastry case in the oven for 10 minutes or so to make sure the base is cooked. Tonight the dishwasher was on and we can't have that and the oven on together otherwise the electricity goes off, so I put the pastry in the microwave for a few minutes. Glad to say that it worked perfectly.

Beat 2 eggs, add chopped onion, garlic and black pepper, herbs too if you like. Chop the salmon and add and mix. Sometimes I use speck, mushrooms or artichokes along with spinach.

Make sure that there is no excess water in the spinach then add to the eggs. Normally at this point I would add boiled potatoes but tonight I forgot and had to put them in after.

Pour the mixture into the pastry case. I had extra pastry left over so I asked my son to cut out some shapes to go on top of the mixture.

Brush the pastry with the egg residue that will be in the mixing bowl. I always find it such a waste cracking open an egg to brush pastry with.

Bake for about 15 minutes at 170 degrees.

Prick the pastry before you bake it 'blind'

Eggs with salmon and seasoning

Pastry after being partially cooked

Drain the spinach well

Brushing the edge with egg

Mix well

My son cutting out pastry stars

Had to take the pie out of the oven when I realised I had forgotten the potatoes

The finished pie

Ready to eat
This pie is delicious cold the next day too.

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